Sevda Kilicalp

photo of Sevda Kilicalp

Director of Social Investment Program, Third Sector Foundation of Turkey (TUSEV), Istanbul, Turkey, LinkedIn profile of Sevda Kilicalp

Your experience with the CFs and your professional relevance to the theme of CFs

My organization, TUSEV, has been assisting the Bolu Community Foundation since its establishment in 2008. I have personally been involved in the assessment of the organization and preparation of a publication based on this study. I have also helped BCF raise funding from international funds and develop an environmental grant program. We are co-planning a giving circle and a press-donor field trip. While offering coaching services and technical assistance to BCF, we also promote community foundation model in Turkey. I have taken part in preparation of a promotional animation, implementation of a feasibility study and spreading info about the model.

Key characteristics and information about the CFs and community philanthropy in your country:

There is only one community foundation in Turkey. Out of 5000, only 12 foundations give grants to nonprofit organizations. The idea of grantmaking and fundraising foundation remains underdeveloped. Traditionally placed-based giving is observed among people who immigrated to urban centers and willing to give back to their communities of origin. Even in these cases, most of their giving is directed to renovation of educational and religious structures or individuals. However, with the developments in technology and civic activism, individuals are exploring new methods for pooling their resources to protect public spaces or green areas from commercial exploitation that would benefit few persons rather than the surrounding communities at large. Offline and online forms of crowdfunding have been developing to support such placed-based community initiatives.

Area of your particular interest in the CF development/ CF management/ practice (please specify if this is a theme where you are interested to learn more, bring your own expertise or both)

I am interested to learn more about the role of support organizations in CF development as well as audience development & fund development strategies adopted by CFs.