Jozef Jarina

photo of Jozef Jarina

executive director, Bardejov Community Foundation, Bardejov, Slovakia, E-mail:, LinkedIn profile of Jozef Jarina

Your experience with the CFs and your professional relevance to the theme of CFs:

I have been working in CF for last 11 years.

My professional relevance to the theme of CFs:

  • Achieving the expected changes in the local community through the mediums as local leaders, informal goups of active citizens, local NGO´s, Municipality,
  • try the effective new ways in addressing potentional individual donors.

Key characteristics and information about the CFs and community philanthropy in your country:

The first Slovak CFs established in the middle of 90-ties in the previous century.

  • By reason of bad economic and legislative conditions for the 3-rd sector in Slovakia the Slovak CFs have problems with their sustainability. The worst conditions are for the establishing new CFs.
  • A lot of clever people leave the 3-rd sector and have gone to the business sector or public sector.
  • Philantropy has been developing for last decade but too slowly.

Area of your particular interest in the CF development/ CF management/ practice (please specify if this is a theme where you are interested to learn more, bring your own expertise or both)

I would like to learn more – the ways of making use of a social capital for the local community development.