Category Archives: CFs in Hungary

Growing Ambition in a Shrinking Space: Hungary’s Community Foundations after the Election

Hungarian CF Support Program: Ready for bad weather

Tamás Scsaurszki

It may come as a surprise, but the ambitions of Hungarian community foundations are growing while the space for civic action is shrinking in Hungary; often times Hungary feels like ’the Syria’ of Europe, a kind of battleground for ideologies and political superpowers; there is a heavy price we pay for it, but still, it is not impossible to work on improving communities!

Read the whole article here.




First National Conference of Community Foundations in Hungary

by Boris Strečanský

The National CF Support Program Közös Alapon organizes the First National Conference of CFs in Hungary on March 18-19, 2016 in Budapest. The conference will provide space for presentations of community foundation practitioners from Hungary and Slovakia as well as for discussing perspectives on the social environment, situation and opportunities of civil initiatives in Hungary today provided by leading social development and research professionals. More information on the Conference can be retrieved here.


News about CFs in Hungary

But, will anybody be interested….???

This is the question put by my colleague Ivan at our staff retreat in July 2014 – reflecting the uncertainty that he, and all of us, felt about our chances of finding local people motivated to start community foundations in Hungary …

Tamas Scsaurszki wrote a story of last two years of efforts of his team in nurturing the CF concept. As the story is longer than a typical blog post, by clicking on the picture you get to the full article.

kozop team

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