Presenting myself, and sharing a paper on CF, its operational definition, and local development, in Spain + Portugal

by Alejandro Hernández-Renner

Hello, dear colleagues,

I am very honored to share with you a few lines about issues in southern Europe and some theoretic stuff that might be of interest. I serve as CEO at a foundation which lies in western Spain, region Extremadura, called Fundación Maimona (

Having the chance of writing five years ago my doctoral thesis in business science about the issue of “CFs in Spain and Portugal and their influence on local development”, some of this research was later concentrated in a recent paper that I hereby share in this CF Practice Lab (called “Case of CF in Iberian Peninsula” case-of-cf-in-iberian-peninsula-hernandez-renner-et-al-regional-helix), covering some elements that may be of some use:

  • a theoretical model of the relation between CFs and local development
  • an internationally operative (synthetic) definition for CFs
  • some data about the actual situation in Portugal and Spain regarding this field.
The paper was presented at the Regional HELIX Conference 2016 (International Conference on Regional Triple Helix Dynamics). I hope it can help launching some conversation among us about those matters.
Best regards.


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