Category Archives: Peer Learning

The Resilience Laboratory

Come to Bucharest and join your colleagues from community foundations in Romania and Europe to explore what resilience means to our work and us.

With the ambition to collectively explore existing practices and approaches of community foundations in Europe that strengthen the resilience of communities and the capacity for dialogue, the Association for Community Relations (ARC) and ECFI (European Community Foundation Initiative) are preparing a two day peer learning event “Resilience Laboratory” on 19-20 April in Bucharest. Its purpose is to strengthen the capacity of community foundations to understand and address broader issues and better define the idea of community leadership in European context. (click on the picture on the left for more info).


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by Alejandro Hernandéz-Renner,  Director, Fundacion Maimona, Spain

This is a short story written as an aide-memoire of the experiences gathered while participating in the CF study visit to the UK organized by the ECFI (European Community Foundation Initiative) network. It is not intended to constitute a formal or technical report, but rather a very brief personal record of those four days (5–8 September 2017).

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Have you ever heard of Vinnytsia?

Beata Hirt, Executive Director, Healthy City Community Foundation, Banská Bystrica, Slovakia

„No, never“,  I would have answered three months ago.

Everything has started with a phone call from Boris Strečanský[1].  He asked if we would consider being a partner with the Ukrainian Podilska Hromada Community Foundation in the CF2CF Exchange program supported by the European Community Foundation Initiative (ECFI). We agreed, but to tell the truth, we were not that excited.  And this would soon change!

Meeting in the office of the Podilska Hromada Community Foundation

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Testing Peer Learning through Relationship Building

Boris Strečanský

In my new role in the European Community Foundation Initiative (ECFI), which has been launched earlier this year, I am thinking about ways, how to organize a space that would encourage and nurture peer learning among CFs or CF Support Organizations (CFSOs).

The peer learning idea is not new, maybe it is as old as mankind, as it is collaboration that made us what we are, as a human species.

It is the idea that people, colleagues with similar or equal work, status and/or practice, can learn from each other (skills, knowledge) when they are actively helping each other or when they are engaged together in common experience and reflect on that experience together.

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